Rave Orthodontics

Expert Team of Over 150 Years Experience

With over 150 years of combined orthodontic experience, our team holds the highest level of certification in the state of Oregon. Dr. Ravassipour earned his Masters in Orthodontics from one of the leading orthodontic schools in the nation, graduating in the top 5% of his class.


Dr. Ravassipour

I grew up in beautiful Wenatchee, Washington and got my Bachelors of Science at the University of Puget Sound. I received my Doctorate in Dental Surgery followed by my Masters in Orthodontics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Once a TARHEEL always a TARHEEL! I have known that I wanted to become an Orthodontist from age 12 and now I have the greatest job in the world. I get to hang out with kids, teens, and adults, getting to know them and their families, watching them grow, and create lifelong relationships. Seeing how orthodontics change lives and create smiles people can rave about for a lifetime is the greatest reward.

In 2003, I married the love of my life, a rare Rogue Valley native Kelly. We feel very fortunate to be able to raise our two children in this beautiful community. We are passionate about making a positive impact in our Valley and have been the co-founder of the Rogue Run Marathon and past president of Rotary, 4H educator and supporter, and Pear Blossom sponsor


Our Team

Patients love us, Parents trust us! Our experienced and knowable team is committed to working with you and your family to create a comfortable, stress-free, and rewarding orthodontic experience every time you visit our practice. Our team goes above and beyond to exceed our patients’ and their families’ expectations. We are focused on making every visit the best part of our patients’ days.

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